- 6-Month Program
- 60 ACU
Old & New Testament Surveys
This survey provides an overview of the entire Bible. Study outlines of each book of the Bible are provided for further development by the student. Volume One: Introduction and Old Testament / Volume Two: New Testament. (Please do not read the entire OT & NT with these courses as it will take you too long)
Developing a Biblical World View
This course examines the Biblical world view from Genesis through Revelation. God’s plan for the nations of the world from the beginning of time is detailed. Current worldwide spiritual need is also presented.
Kingdom Living
The “Gospel of the Kingdom” shall be preached in all the world before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:14). Understanding of Kingdom principles is necessary if one is to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom. This course focuses on patterns and principles of Kingdom living applicable to life and ministry.
Knowing God’s Voice
This course explains how God speaks to men today and how to find His general and specific plans for life. A Christian model for decision making is presented, along with guidelines for overcoming wrong decisions, steps to take if you have missed the will of God, and methods for dealing with questionable practices.
Christian Apologetics
Defending the Faith. Learning how to actually justify and explain your belief in Christ through the word of God.
Spiritual Strategies: A Manual of Spiritual Warfare
This course moves participants beyond the natural world into the realm of the spirit. Tactics of the enemy are analyzed and strategies of spiritual warfare assuring victory over the principalities and powers of the spirit world are explained.
Power Principles
The early church was born in a demonstration of the power of God. Power principles taught in this course equip students for spiritual harvest and moves them from being spectators to demonstrators of the power of God.
Transforming Truths
Basic Foundational Truths in the Bible that lead to spiritual growth.
Homiletics (Preaching Strategy)
This course teaches the minister how to correctly prepare a sermon and how to deliver it.